What is Good Faith Receiving?

Good Faith Receiving is an auditing process that reinforces the premise that the majority of supplier shipments are accurate. The picking accuracy of a shipment is validated by auditing a sample of goods delivered, enabling initial full payment of the supplier invoice - with discrepancies charged on a quarterly basis. This allows suppliers and retailers to reduce the volume of supplier shipment claims and counter-claims and redirect resources into value-add activities.

Simply Supply Chain’s Drop and Drive Supply Group (in partnership with Culina and the Groceries Code Adjudicator) developed the Good Faith Receiving programme to help chilled FMCG suppliers tackle the millions of pounds that were being deducted, without any substantiation, for alleged undelivered goods.

The implementation of GFR has been a resounding success, retailer claims have been reduced by 95% and the process has been taken up by 6 of the top UK retailers.


GFR case study


Icon - recovering monies owedRecover monies for unsubstantiated claims
Icon - reducing delays in paymentReduce delays in payment
Icon - reducing errors upon receiptReduce errors upon receipt
Icon - labour savings and improved job satisfaction Labour savings & improved job satisfaction
Icon - increasing value-add activitiesImprove stock flow
Asset 8-1Redirect resources into value-add activities

Awards won by Simply Supply Chain for the Drop and Drive Group and GFR

The Drop and Drive Group – Helping Suppliers Realise the Full Benefits of Good Faith Receiving

Founded in 2014, our award-winning group of circa 20 chilled suppliers continues to foster strong and trusted relationships within the industry, collaborating with retailers, suppliers and the Groceries Code Adjudicator to review and improve Good Faith Receiving processes to benefit all parties.

Our expertise helps suppliers assess the capability of their logistics and claims processes against best in class, ensuring suppliers are prepared and able to access the full benefits of the Good Faith Receiving and ePOD programmes developed with the largest retailers.


Continuing Retail Reform

The group continues to gather vital data that maintains the right level of pressure on retail reform, share best practice and discover new opportunities for collaboration. 

Now featuring new initiatives:

  • Enabling 'Goods Received Not Invoiced' recoveries from major retailers
  • Setting sales forecasting and promotional management best practice
  • Setting product labelling differentiation best practice to reduce errors upon receipt
  • Reducing E2E network cost to serve
  • Decarbonising Logistics

We are always keen to welcome new members willing to invest in challenging the status quo to help make a difference.


Find out more

Testimonial from Senior Director of Logistics at ASDA

Testimonial from Supply Chain Controller at Futura Foods

Testimonial from the former Groceries Code Adjudicator

Contact Us

C: +44 (0)845 6522251

E:  Events@simply-sc.com