News & Insights

Suppliers donating to NHS charities to keep spirits up during Covid-19

By Jonathan Kittow on 30/04/20 16:18 |


We are all aware of the intensely critical role our NHS and frontline workers are playing during this period of uncertainty and at this week’s virtual meeting, one supplier reported on how they are trying to help support our care workers to help keep spirits up.Burton's Biscuits are showing their appreciation of the NHS by donating every biscuit produced between 8pm and 9pm on Thursday nights - during the ‘clap for carers’ campaign - to the NHS charities. The Director of Supply Chain at Burton's commented that “We should never lose sight of the fact that by manufacturing as many biscuits as possible across our bakeries, whilst continuing to prioritise the health and wellbeing of all our colleagues, we are bringing much-needed cheer to people in these most difficult of times.”

During our weekly meeting, all suppliers were in full agreement that along with working hard to supply our supermarket shelves they feel it is important to show how united we all are in our support of our NHS care workers and humbled by the amazing job they are doing.

To find out about how you too can donate or support please do get in touch with these contacts who will be delighted to hear from you - Thank you. 

Maria Lawson cc 

Programme Manager - Inclusive Leadership Practice

Inclusive System Development, People Directorate

Tel: 07920 362 792

COVID19-Physical Welfare Team

(Maria is co-ordinating central NHS staff donations and happy for contact from other suppliers)

Tom Dalby

Tel – 07749544163 /

(Tom would be very happy to speak to and include donations from suppliers for the Blue Light Card Free NHS Staff care packages initiative, he is due to go into 27 NHS trusts next week (suppliers deliver into 1 delivery point) and then further UK, Scot and IRE drops planned a couple of weeks later)

