News & Insights

Groceries Code Adjudicator's first annual conference

By Jonathan Kittow on 11/10/21 14:08 |


Mark White has just held his first annual conference as incoming Groceries Code Adjudicator with presentations from Small Business Minister Paul Scully and the Chief Executive of the Food and Drink Federation, Ian Wright, among others.  The Conference was also an opportunity to share the insights from the YouGov deep dive interviews with suppliers carried out in the summer - these supplier discussions will help to shape the GCA activities over the coming months and through into 2022.

s300_Mark_White_960x640On the back of supplier concerns, Mark White commented "I am sending a clear message to the Retailers that they need to maintain and enhance the progress made in recent years in building constructive relationships with suppliers. That progress has benefitted all parts of the sector and made a real difference to consumers. During challenging times it has shown its worth. The sector obviously faces new challenges, and we still don’t know if we are finally through the Covid woods. Constructive relationships must be for yesterday, today… and for tomorrow"

Simply Supply Chain look forward to working with the GCA to support the priorities ahead and in particular embracing the GCA framework for forensic auditing to support our own campaign around delayed payments and the best practice we are seeking to develop around Sales Forecasting & Promotions. 

To read / download the GCA October full edition please click hereYou can also watch the GCA presentation on the GCA YouTube channel.

If you would like to get in touch with the GCA and his team to tell him about your experiences, please
email or call 020 7215 6537. You can also report issues 24/7, 365 days
a year, via the completely confidential platform

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